S.S.S. Board, Punjab
(Advertisement No. 14 of 2024)
Forgot Application Registration Number
All fields required exactly as entered in application form
Applicant's Name:
Father's Name:
Mother's Name:
101 - General
102 - EWS (Gen.)
103 - S.C (M & B)
104 - S.C (Ramdasia & others)
105 - B.C
106 - ESM Gen. (Self)
107 - ESM Gen. (Dependent)
108 - ESM SC (M&B) (Self)
109 - ESM SC (M&B) (Dependent)
110 - ESM SC (R&O) (Self)
111 - ESM SC (R&O) (Dependent)
112 - ESM BC (Self)
113 - ESM BC (Dependent)
114 - Sports Gen.
115 - Sports (SC-M&B)
116 - Sports (SC-R&O)
117 - Physical Handicapped (Ortho)
118 - Physical Handicapped (VH)
119 - Physical Handicapped (HH)
120 - Physical Handicapped (MI or MD)
121 - Freedom Fighter
Mobile Number:
ID Proof Number:
Date of Birth (dd/MM/yyyy):